Wednesday 10 March 2010

High's and Low's of the 2010 Fashion Weeks


- Chanel show in Paris, last September it was a hay barn, this month... an iceberg! Apparently Chanel ‘borrowed’ an iceberg from Sweden on the premise that they will return it intact and to exactly the same place – I bet those yeti boots were looking very appealing to the audience!

- Fewer celebs at fashion shows – surely it’s about the clothes, not who’s sitting in the front row? Marc Jacobs (NYFW) front row had not one single celebrity in it...

- Mark Fast using plus size models in his London catwalk show (would have helped if he had given them their clothes in their actual sizes (12 & 14) rather than the size 8's!)

- Topshop Unique trying to encourage us that animal antlers and masks will be the next big thing next Autumn... we gave in and wore neon, but antlers... really?

- Lindsey Lohan not turning up for her own 2nd catwalk show for Ungaro, leaving Estrella Arch to take a catwalk bow alone (the clothes weren’t great either!)

- Cold weather – the general weather theme at each fashion week – let’s hope it’s not a sign for next winter, we’re done with snow!


  1. Lol! In a Lady Gaga kind of way? Do you think we'll see them on the highstreet next A/W?

  2. I'm still totally undecided about that Chanel show. It was a complete departure and I don't know whether a Chanel polar bear is the height of tack or so bonkers it's incredible!
